Cat’s Final Designs: MoMo Cowls
CAT’S ONE DOZEN MAGICAL MOMO COWLS buy the ebook buy the printed book What is a MoMo Cowl? It’s a magical solution to a Moebius
For a dozen years I have loved helping knitters cross the Moebius threshold. Now I can take you so much farther with the eight projects in this interactive class, where you can type your question and I shall reply. Here is how one of my viewers described the class:
“Cat Bordhi is that quirky, fun and inventive teacher that you loved in high school. The one that made you want to come to class and do your best. And you always listened to everything spoken in class, lest you miss even a bit of wonderful information. Cat is full of tips and tricks, and the skills she teaches in this class take you far beyond moebius knitting. But of course, knitting a moebius is so fun that it may be a while before you apply her great tips to other knitting. Cat is a natural born teacher. She loves to share what she has discovered with others. Her enthusiasm and humor shine through and the camera loves her. She’s completely relaxed and you feel like she’s sitting next to you, sharing her latest discovery that came to her in the middle of the night.”
This LINK lets you buy the class. Welcome aboard!
CAT’S ONE DOZEN MAGICAL MOMO COWLS buy the ebook buy the printed book What is a MoMo Cowl? It’s a magical solution to a Moebius
buy the ebook Purchase this eBook for $20 with all 25 patterns and live video links. This ebook is a set of 9 Folios,
Congratulations! You have found Cat Bordhi’s Sweet Tomato Heel Socks eBook and you will fall in love with this wonderful collection of patterns like thousands of knitters around the world.
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