
Personal Footprints for Insouciant Sock Knitters


My 2009 book is out-of-print, so I converted it into a digital form (a PDF) identical to the original. Click to PURCHASE for $20 (a $6.95 savings from print version).


There are no stitches to pick up, no heel flap, no gussets, no holes, just carefree knitting and a perfect fit.  Readers tell me this is one of the the simplest sock-knitting processes they have ever tried. The book will teach you everything you need to know. See some of the book’s 28 patterns below.


Video 1: Overview of Personal Footprints

Video 2: How to start the toe on 2 circular needles

Video 3: How to start the toe on 1 long circular needle

Video 4: How to start the toe on dpns

Video 5:  How to open up the leg

Video 6: Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off (JSSBO)


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