
A Third Magical Scottish Sojourn with Jim and Cat, April 18-May 4, 2020

In 2020 we’ll lead our third Magical Scottish Sojourn to Aberdeen, the Isle of Skye, and the Shetland Islands. Make yourself a nice cuppa tea as you sit down to read through our * Scotland 2020 PDF * , and dream about the itinerary, look longingly at the photos, and contemplate if this trip suits your needs, capabilities, and desires.
If the answer to all three is yes, then send Jim your registration and waiver forms with your deposit (see final two pages of the PDF) and if you are one of the first 14, the spot is yours. Jim will email you to confirm as soon as he receives your forms and deposit. If you are not one of the first 14, we will hold your deposit and keep you on the wait list (Jim will let you know if this is the case and you can decide if you want to be on the wait list).
Scotland makes my heart feel like a child’s—carefree and happy—being amongst such friendly, practical, clever people who love knitting as much as we do, in as beautiful a land as you can find. We hope you are one of the people who will be coming with us in 2020. By the way, every year we have several non-knitting spouses or companions come, and they have always have a wonderful time too.